Dreams Are the Flowers (That Bloom in Your Heart) - Jackie Cusic (Колыбельная)

Рубрики (Песни на английском) Автор admin в 01-09-2009

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Close your eyes, sleep is more than it seems
Soon you’ll discover a garden of dreams
A blossoming tapestry lights up the dark
Dreams are the flowers
that bloom in your heart

Rose dreams are red like a new valentine
Violets are blue ’cause they’re sad all the time
Daisy dreams shine like the sun in the park
Dreams are the flowers
that bloom in your heart
So dream and bloom, bloom and dream
And watch your garden grow
When you awaken with a smile
Everyone will know

You’ve been to dreamland
and now you’ve returned
Eager to share everything you’ve learned
Believing in dreams isn’t really so hard
Dreams are the flowers
that bloom in your heart

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